I nearly cried while reading this. So needed to hear this - it gave me the reassurance that i’m not alone (although as a single mom this is actually true) in this crazy parenting thing. My daughter has already left the nest (not sure I did well there as there are so many issues) and my 18 year old son will be leaving soon. So thank you, thank you, thank you Eleanor, this one’s a keeper to revisit again when I need someone to let me know that things will be ok. ❤️

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May 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Mills

Just chipping in as a stepmother who didn’t have my own children, but inherited three under the age of 12. None of my stepchildren were particularly academic but put us through the ringer when school had ended, not having the faintest idea what to do for the rest of their lives! Luckily they found their way, with the support of step parents and biological parents, who tried to pull together to offer encouragement and a crutch to lean on.

I do however remember my own journey as if it was yesterday, as I was a bit of a plodder at school and had to work hard to get the grades for university. My dad was delighted as I was the only member of my family ever to go to further education. I only share this as my mum was just like Eleanor and cried for days when I went. My dad died of cancer while I was revising for my first year exams, and of course our worlds fell apart. However I was determined to do well for him and so never underestimate the power parents have to quietly influence and guide. He was never pushy. Just encouraging and proud. I’ve hugged that emotion close throughout my life!

It’s a great privilege to be a parent I believe, and I reckon you are all doing a pretty amazing job, so kudos to you all.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Eleanor Mills

"week of joy which had given her the resilience to withstand the agony".

I find these quoted words beautiful. You just know when something someone says strikes such a chord- and you are sometimes moved to tears - from recognition of the pain yet alsp from happiness at the universal connection, and the implicit hope.

Thanks - again - for you writing, Eleanor.

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Thank you for this Eleanor, it really touched a point with me this morning when sending my son off for another exam following his despondency last week when one exam went badly. Your words are always so thoughtful and poignant.

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Great pleasure, hope it goes better for him this week. This time is really tough on everyone! We all need to support each other so we can best support them xxxx

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