Yes to all of this.

I am yet to have 'the conversation' with my 91 year old Dad. He lives in Mombasa and doesn't want to, changes the subject whenever it is broached. He's a funny one and it's complicated.

Thank you for a glorious afternoon yesterday, jumping into the lake was a highlight. I'm in a process of rebuilding my confidence after having lost my beloved, and ancient, home to fire and yesterday was a tonic.

I'm taking it slowly today, hearing your permission- giving on resting in the 'pause'.

This is not my first 'pause' and I need to remember and honour the need, again. Thank you for the reminder.

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Very true about this stage of life being light and shade, Eleanor. We used to talk about the Sandwich Generation; can feel more like a club sandwich, with all the life phase layers, as people live longer and wait longer to have babies. My partner’s mum is now in a nursing home and we have young grandchildren.

Congratulations on your daughter’s graduation. Yay for English Literature!

I loved Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying, too. Will definitely be buying your book - thanks for the link to the intro and first chapter. ‘There are times we don’t want to be fixed, we just want to be witnessed.’ Yes! (I think being here on Substack is rather good for that.)

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"But as ever in life there is always light in the darkness, darkness in the light."

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