Nov 12, 2023Liked by Eleanor Mills

Hi Eleanor,

You’re touching something here that’’s affecting hitherto well adjusted, confident, high achieving, gap year travelled, lived away from home already for a year kids. Ones you’d assume would be revelling in uni life. I have one home with me now - It’s not about over fluffy parents - they are trying to find security in a world which is anything but. They were in lockdown while at school, nothing but negative messaging to be safe, don’t go out, etc etc. and now at every turn they are met by how awful the future looks for them on all levels No wonder they’re unsteady. Their world is a damn sight less secure than ours was. We cannot compare our experience to theirs. And we had none of the social media stresses to deal with.

All we can do is love and hold them and get them the support they so dearly need.


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I really agree with all of that - am seeing so many lovely kids really struggling - it is so tough for them

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I actually spent quite a lot of my time at university being pretty miserable. Wrong friendship groups; wrong course; possibly even (whisper it gently) the wrong university. However, I now look back on the experience with a huge amount of affection and even pride! Late teens, early twenties can be a tough period in your life as you navigate your place in the world. I am not sure it ever has been easy, although clearly made worse by a social media culture reinforcing 'the perfect life' which everyone else is having. In a world where we encourage our kids to tell us everything about their lives, a reminder I would rather have stuck needles in my eyes than tell my parents anything at all! But I did have great music as my friendship group- 'Soft Cell' and 'The Smiths' were the perfect antidote to student angst. Heaven knows I was miserable then!

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As a 55yo Queenager to a 18yo Uni student I have so many similar wonderings. So many ‘whys’? So is life more difficult? Is uni that much different? Are Gen Z less resilient? Much of what you raised holds a great deal of truth ... What can we do but be there for them?

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